Saturday, January 11, 2025



Matthew 10:33

King James Version

33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, 

him will I also deny before my Father 

which is in heaven.

Some days I just know.

Wherein I witness people hating GOD, and others.

And then something happens.

A few days ago, I saw this short clip.

I was shocked to the core of my being.

This was a TOTAL affront on GOD, His SON, and Scripture.

I KNEW GOD was NOT about to let that go.

I was certain of it.

And I was right.

I'll present to you some cases:

When I hear a woke politician turn away JESUS, I know "something" was going to happen.

When I hear "captain america" call Christians, "idiots", I know there's a price to pay.

When I hear proud celebrities blaspheming JESUS, I know GOD will not let that go.

When I hear an elite governor act belligerent towards Trump, I know something's bound to happen.

Kamala turned away JESUS at a rally.

Consequently, she lost to Trump.

Her career is in shambles.

Both "captain america" and the blaspheming actress, proud of her trophy -- "no thanks to JESUS" -- are a product of Hollywood.

Well, California's burnin', not dreamin'.

It's reached Hollywood Hills, too.

GOD's judgment is upon the woke, left, and heathen.

Including upon industries, and institutions, that spawn them.

Governor Newsom couldn't stand Trump.

Newsom was young, proud, woke, and a Democrat.

He didn't follow the then-president's water recommendations.

He, and the demonic Democrats, wanted to "Trump-proof" CA.

Yeah, right.

And then the fire happened.

Many actors lost their homes.

The elite did, too.

Many smaller homes suffered from the embers.

Some perished; others were injured.

Thousands of homes were burnt to cinders.

Thousands of people evacuated their homes.

Rich Palisades looked like a war zone.

But GOD did better.

And it will be to the suffering residents', and citizens', benefit.

As well as vindication, and validation, for Trump.

GOD exposed CA officials' neglect, 

ineptness, and disregard.

Now, they have much

to answer for.

Governor Newsom, and mayor Bass, are now in boiling water.

I can almost hear Trump say, "I told you so."

The residents are crying for justice.

GOD will take care of everything.

As He sees fit.

Even the recent thing, wherein Paris Hilton did a strange video, spoofing little Barron Trump held weight.

I thought to myself, the boy, who has grown into a fine, young man now, will be greatly embarrassed.

He might shun that part of his childhood.

And then Hilton's house got burned, too.

Wow, that was just a day after I viewed her clip.

And today, something significant happened again.

SPIRIT led me to the Trump sentencing in New York.

The court and NY have treated Trump badly.


NY, and judges, you're next!

You cannot stop GOD's appointee from making America "GREAT AGAIN".

If you live by Scripture, you'd know GOD's will, ways, wisdom, and wrath.

People don't fear the LORD enough.

Or maybe, they don't fear Him at all.

Well, we've got to.

My heart trembled when I saw that short Hollywood video.

I could almost feel GOD's wrath.

And what was to come.

I knew GOD wouldn't let that go.

And again, I was right.

As born again, knowing GOD's laws as I do, I grieve every time I hear anyone curse JESUS, or act haughty.

Or act as if they're invincible, and all-powerful.

Relishing in their face, form, fanbase, fortune, and fiefdom.

I know they're "ripe for judgment".

It's just the way things are.

GOD hates the haughty.

Isaiah 2:11-12

King James Version

11 The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, 

and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, 

and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.

12 For the day of the Lord of hosts 

shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, 

and upon every one that is lifted up; 

and he shall be brought low:

Just so you know, judgement's pretty quick, too.

It seems to accelerated in these end times.

In just a day, or two, the fires came.

Soon as I viewed that clip, and cringed.

Now California's burning.

New York is next.

Not necessarily through "fire".

I don't know what GOD will do with NY.

The third "mismanaged" state is Illinois.

It's as if they're "acting" in succession.

Just as they are.

And just as GOD is.

I marvel at my discoveries.

All I do is follow SPIRIT's prompt.

What can't people get?

I Scripturally know GOD chose Trump.

But 95% of media is against this president-elect.

Democrats defy him.

But the people love him.

And that's wonderful.

Because it's the people he intends to serve anyway.

It was never the politicians.

If anything, they ought to serve him.

GOD made him president of the land.

Here's how you can tell what belongs to GOD.

And what doesn't.

What GOD loves, Satan hates.

Which part do you belong to?

BEWARE California!

BEWARE New York!

BEWARE Illinois!

BEWARE Hollywood!

BEWARE all who shut out Trump!

BEWARE all who prosecute, and persecute, Trump!

BEWARE the woke, left, and Democrats!

BEWARE the wicked!

GOD will come for you.

Jeremiah 23:33

Contemporary English Version

News and Nuisance

The Lord said to me:

33 Jeremiah, 

when a prophet or a priest or anyone else 

comes to you and asks, 

“Does the Lord have news for us?” 

tell them, “You people 

are a nuisance[a] to the Lord, 

and he[b] will get rid of you.”

Related material:


3 mismanaged STATES




Related video:

Robert Davi: Newsom should go back to the French Laundry and 'retire'


 1 Corinthians 14:34-36 King James Version 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches:  for it is not permitted unto them to speak;  but...